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Matched Filter design program Match-n-Freq 6.81 ... Problem-Solving Application #3

Match n Freq (tm): Finds optimal pole-zero locations to minimize intersymbol interference

Input Signal/Pulse

Matched Filter transfer function

Output/desired Signal/Pulse

Match-n-Freq (tm): Pulse shaping or any Passive filter design program that finds the pole-zero locations of a transfer function H(s) for a matched filter. H(s) equals a -desired- signal (Yout) divided by a given input signal (Yin). Both Yout and Yin are functions of frequency (not time). This is an example of how Automatic Differentiation does simpify problem solving.

Group delay may also be tweaked to compliment a given data set, thus, providing a flat group delay.

Equal Ripple sidelobes is also possible with this Match-n-Freq (tm) software.

Minimizing Intersymbol Interference in a read/write channel for disc drives by shaping and slimming an isolated readback pulse was the main objective for writing this matched filter program. For more info, see Kost, R. and P. Brubaker; 'Arbitrary equalization with simple LC structures';IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Nov. 1981, pp 3346-3348.

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The original matched filter problem was 'solved' in hours! Years of testing hardware designs and modifying design requirements/goals finally produced present program logic. All those minus signs in the transfer function gave me many white hairs! At last, in 2023 Group Delay equations were found to be in error and were corrected. New results show pole-zero locations as expected and hoped for. Give it a try and see how it does for your problem:)

Pole Removal capabilities have been added to version 6.8 that should be helpful to manufacturing departments. Adding a minus sign to REAL pole values will HOLD / freeze the pole location. The values may be what ever the user chooses. See some demo files for good examples.

For a technical write-up on Match-n-Freq see Pulse Slimming / InterSymbol Interference. Other associated articles include Optimum Matched Filter (Transfer Function) and Magnetic Recording.

Match-n-Freq was made possible due to the FortranCalculus compiler. The source code is relatively short (7 pages + 11 input/output pages) showing the FortranCalculus programming simplicity. Sometimes Match-n-Freq has three nested solvers in execution at once. Match-n-Freq is a free (4 MB) download.

Match n Freq 6.81 Output Plots:

(Click Any Image To Enlarge)

Pole/Zero Constellation
Transfer Function H(s); Zeros on Y-axis

Mainlobe Transfer Function
Output Signal: H(s) with Zeros on Y-axis

Output Signal Sideband Only: H(s) with Zeros on Y-axis

On this page, I will attempt to guide you through the various routines in order to create a 'picture' for you to understand what's going on. First, the code required and then a sample of output summary.

1. Introduce the Find statement that is used to tweak variables until ones objective(s) are met. The variables may have bounds and constraints that restrick where the selected solver may search for an Optimal solution.

! Find statement is key to tweak variables AND obtain an Optimal ! (i.e., Maximum / Minimum) solutions. FIND gain, Yzero, Preal, Pimag; ! variable list of those to tweak! in fitboth; by Jove; ! Jove is the solver for this problem with lower h8low; and uppers h8hi; ! lower & upper bounds Holding circleUp, PoleWide, HoldZero, ZeroWide; ! constraints TO MINIMIZE errsum ! objective Minimize errSum variable!

2. This is a sample of code necessary to solve this problem, but hope it gives you an idea what is going on. Variables to tweak (e.g. gain) MUST always be on the rightside of an equal sign; so the solver can change a value when it wants too. Follow gain variable throughout the code for seeing what is required. Plus, see gain and other tweaked variables in output section.

model fitboth include 'freq68.inc' C ... Zero limits ... >= 0 do 20 j = 1, nYzero 20 holdZero(j) = (Yzero-Zbottom) if( nZpairs + nZquads .gt. 0) then do 22 j = nYzero+1, nYzero + nZpairs + nZquads ZeroWide(j) = (fnorm - Zimag(j)) 22 holdZero(j) = (Zreal(j)-Zbottom) * (Xlmax - Zimag(j)) endif C ... Pole limits ... >= 0 if( nYpole .gt. 0) then do 30 j = 1, nYpole PoleWide(j) = (fnorm - Ypole) 30 circleUp(j) = circle( Ypole, 0, radius) endif if( nPpairs .gt. 0) then do 32 j = 1, nPpairs PoleWide(j+nYpole) = (fnorm - Pimag(j)) 32 circleUp(j+nYpole) = circle( Preal(j), Pimag(j), radius) endif call transfer ! calc. 'errMag' error call Gdelay ! calc. 'rip8sq' error errMag = 1D10 * errMag * wt8magn errsum = errMag + rip8sq * 10 ! errSum, is it decreasing in amplitude? end Fmodel circle( Vreal, Vimag, radius) ! constrain Vreal & Vimag to within radius? circle = radius - sqrt(Vreal**2 + Vimag**2) end model transfer include 'freq68.inc' errMag = 0. do 50 ii = 1, npoints ! --- CALCULATE TRANSFER FUNCTION ---- F = freq( ii): Hw = Hs( F) error( ii) = Hw * y8in( ii) - y8out( ii) ! Absolute Error error( ii) = error( ii) * (y8out( ii)**2) ! Relative errMag = errMag + error( ii)**2 50 continue end Fmodel Hs( F) include 'freq68.inc' real*8 num F2 = F * F: num = 1 : den = 1 if( nYpole + nYpoleHo .gt. 0) den = factor( F2, -Ypole, 0.) if( nPholds .gt. 0) then do 20 ij = 1, nPholds den = den * factor( F2, -PrealH( ij), PimagH( ij)) 20 continue endif if( nPpairs .gt. 0) then do 24 ij = 1, nPpairs den = den * factor( F2, -Preal( ij), Pimag( ij)) 24 continue endif if( nYzero .gt. 0) then num = num * factor( F2, -Yzero, 0.) if( doublet .gt. 0) num = num**2 if( lossless .gt. 0) num = num**2 endif if( nXzeros .gt. 0) then num = 100 * num do 40 ij = 1, nXzeros num = num * factor( F2, 0., Xzeros(ij)) 40 continue endif if( nZpairs .gt. 0) then do 60 ij = 1, nZpairs num = num * factor( F2, -Zreal(ij), Zimag( ij)) 60 continue endif n = nZpairs if( nZquads .gt. 0) then do 80 ij = 1, nZquads n = n + 1 num = num * factor( F2, Zreal( n), Zimag( n)) num = num * factor( F2, -Zreal( n), Zimag( n)) 80 continue endif q = gain * sqrt( abs(num / den)) if( q .gt. 1.D20) q = 1.D20 Hs = q end Fmodel factor( F2, sigma, omega) r2 = sigma**2 if( omega .eq. 0.D0) then factor = 1. : if( sigma .eq. 0.D0) return ! not sure on value factor = (r2 - F2) / 10 ! '10' normalizing factor return endif o2 = omega**2 : sum = (r2 + o2 - F2) / 10 temp = sum*sum + 4*F2*r2/100 : factor = 0 if( temp .eq. 0.D0) return temp = sqrt( temp) factor = temp / (r2 + o2) ! this R2+O2 is 4 normalizing pole values end ooo ! and adjusts Gain value for system.

3. The following block shows a sample of output from the JOVE solver. The first column lists the variables being tweaked; some variables are arrays. The next column, INITIAL, shows initial values for variables that gets things rolling. The next columns are the values for that iteration. This problem required 13 iterations to solve for an optimal solution. This is the most complicated problem I solved todate. Solution time was less than 4 minute on a 5-year old PC.

--- JOVE SUMMARY, INVOKED AT FIT[98] FOR MODEL FITBOTH ---- CONVERGENCE CONDITION AFTER 13 ITERATIONS OBJECTIVE CRITERION SATISFIED ALL SPECIFIED CRITERIA SATISFIED LOOP NUMBER ......... [INITIAL] 1 2 UNKNOWNS gain 2.500000E-05 1.821383E-01 1.822404E-01 Yzero 5.000000E-01 9.857444E-01 9.861072E-01 Preal ( 1) 2.000000E-01 7.472368E-01 7.469582E-01 Preal ( 2) 2.000000E-01 5.662083E-01 5.651061E-01 Preal ( 3) 2.000000E-01 3.579208E-02 3.750613E-02 Preal ( 4) 2.000000E-01 2.776521E-01 2.782288E-01 PIMAG ( 1) 5.000000E-03 6.431970E-02 6.747955E-02 PIMAG ( 2) 2.800000E-01 4.918416E-01 4.931076E-01 PIMAG ( 3) 5.000000E-01 7.491454E-01 7.490616E-01 PIMAG ( 4) 5.000000E-01 5.795703E-01 5.808899E-01 OBJECTIVE ERRSUM 1.617663E+07 1.143457E+03 1.101378E+03 INEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS CIRCLEUP( 1) 5.499375E-01 7.444890E-08 1.745802E-10 CIRCLEUP( 2) 4.059070E-01 1.840798E-08 4.869916E-11 CIRCLEUP( 3) 2.114835E-01 2.105579E-08 5.069178E-11 CIRCLEUP( 4) 2.114835E-01 1.073551E-01 1.059159E-01 POLEWIDE( 1) 1.999500E+01 1.993568E+01 1.993252E+01 POLEWIDE( 2) 1.972000E+01 1.950816E+01 1.950689E+01 POLEWIDE( 3) 1.950000E+01 1.925085E+01 1.925094E+01 POLEWIDE( 4) 1.950000E+01 1.942043E+01 1.941911E+01 ooo LOOP NUMBER ......... [INITIAL] 13 UNKNOWNS gain 2.500000E-05 1.822269E-01 Yzero 5.000000E-01 9.861653E-01 Preal ( 1) 2.000000E-01 7.469539E-01 Preal ( 2) 2.000000E-01 5.650895E-01 Preal ( 3) 2.000000E-01 3.753097E-02 Preal ( 4) 2.000000E-01 2.782460E-01 PIMAG ( 1) 5.000000E-03 6.752736E-02 PIMAG ( 2) 2.800000E-01 4.931266E-01 PIMAG ( 3) 5.000000E-01 7.490603E-01 PIMAG ( 4) 5.000000E-01 5.809214E-01 OBJECTIVE ERRSUM 1.617663E+07 1.100697E+03 ! always decreasing? INEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS CIRCLEUP( 1) 5.499375E-01 9.658940E-15 CIRCLEUP( 2) 4.059070E-01 1.332268E-14 CIRCLEUP( 3) 2.114835E-01 4.606050E-08 CIRCLEUP( 4) 2.114835E-01 1.058801E-01 POLEWIDE( 1) 1.999500E+01 1.993247E+01 POLEWIDE( 2) 1.972000E+01 1.950687E+01 POLEWIDE( 3) 1.950000E+01 1.925094E+01 POLEWIDE( 4) 1.950000E+01 1.941908E+01 ---END OF LOOP SUMMARY

Are you ready to give it a try? First step is to download our free Calculus (Level) Compiler (i.e., FC-Compiler), install it, and run some Demo (example) files. Next, copy another (Demo) file and save it under another name in your 'user' folder. Edit this file with your equations and (math) models, then save it. Next, try executing it and see how it goes. Enjoy!

Match n Freq 6.81
Download (7 MB) Information:

Last Updated: Jan. 1, 2024
First Published: Nov. 16, 1992
License: free software! Edit source and create your own version.
OS: Windows 98 or newer
Requirements:Windows + Visual Basic 6.0 RunTime files
Publisher: Optimal Designs Enterprise

Match n Freq 6.81
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Description (Click to download) Price
Match-n-Freq: Finds Optimum Matched Filter design.
All prices in US Dollars

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<a href=""><img style="float:left; width:100px;" src="https://goal-driven.net/image/m-freq-icon.png"/> <strong>Matched Filter</strong> </a>, Kalman Filter, Nonlinear Filter, Signal Processing, Transfer Function, Electrical Filter, Automatic Differentiaion Example.


See more on Nonlinear Filter, Signal Processing, Transfer Function, etc. Examples.

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Problem-Solving Applications include:

CurvFit: a curve fitting program with Lorentzian, Sine, Exponential and Power series are available models to match your data.

Match-n-Freq: a Matched Filter program used to filter signals and slim pulses.

Industry Problem-Solving Descriptions include:

Business Strategies & War Gaming: Buy, Sell, Hold options may be tested for an entire company, individual plant(s), or whole product lines. Imagine an increase in control settings from a 1 or 2 digits (i.e., a guess value) to an 8+ digit accuracy resulting from a Calculus programming calculation!

Pulse Slimming to minimize InterSymbol Interference: via Arbitrary Equalization with Simple LC Structures to reduce errors.

Voice Coil Motor: basically an electromagnetic transducer in which a coil placed in a magnetic pole gap experiences a force proportional to the current passing through the coil.

Electrical Filter Design: find the transfer function's poles & zeros; H(s) = Yout(s) / Yin(s).

Digitized Signal from Magnetic Recording: Magnetic recording of transitions written onto a computer disc drive may produce an isolated pulse as shown.

AC Motor Design: a simulation program for A.C. motor design that was reapplied as a constrained optimization problem with 12 unknown parameters and 7 constraints.

PharmacoKinetics: an open-two- compartment model with first order absorption into elimination from central compartment is presented here.

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