History of Calculus-level Compilers Prose and FortranCalculus
1960s Started development under a NASA contract to TRW, Inc.
1968 NASA funding for project ended.
1971 Twelve people left TRW to start Prose, Inc using venture capital.
1974 First commercial version for Control Data Corp. computers (6600 or larger) became available and was called PROSE. PROSE was available on a few Time-Sharing computer systems throughout the US.
1974 First presentation of PROSE was rejected by those in charge of SIAM publications (i.e. some key professors) saying impossible.
1980s Last time-sharing computer with PROSE closed.
1984 Conversion of PROSE to FortranCalculus started.
About 1991 FC was up and running under DOS 3.3
1993(?) FC started conversion to the Linux operating system.
1991 to 2006 Created 5 demo applications to show what FC can do.
2002 (digitalCalculus.com) Website construction started.
2006 to present: Trying to get the word out on Simplicity of fortranCalculus language.
2014 Found DOSbox program ... all our Apps (versions 6+) are up and running in Windows with it. Created FC-Compiler App that allows a user to compiler and run their own FC programs. FC-Compiler show 60+ source codes that a user can pick from and modify as he or she pleases and save under another name. FC-Compiler runs on most Windows OS. FC-Compiler is where all prospective users should start learning how to solve their math problems.