FC Coding is
One step from 1st Principles to Solution!


History of
Calculus-level Compilers
Prose and FortranCalculus

  • 1960s Started development under a NASA contract to TRW, Inc.
  • 1968 NASA funding for project ended.
  • 1971 Twelve people left TRW to start Prose, Inc using venture capital.
  • 1974 First commercial version for Control Data Corp. computers (6600 or larger) became available and was called PROSE. PROSE was available on a few Time-Sharing computer systems throughout the US.
  • 1974 First presentation of PROSE was rejected by those in charge of SIAM publications (i.e. some key professors) saying impossible.
  • 1980s Last time-sharing computer with PROSE closed.
  • 1984 Conversion of PROSE to FortranCalculus started.
  • About 1991 FC was up and running under DOS 3.3
  • 1993(?) FC started conversion to the Linux operating system.
  • 1991 to 2006 Created 5 demo applications to show what FC can do.
  • 2002 (digitalCalculus.com) Website construction started.
  • 2006 to present: Trying to get the word out on Simplicity of fortranCalculus language.
  • 2014 Found DOSbox program ... all our Apps (versions 6+) are up and running in Windows with it. Created FC-Compiler App that allows a user to compiler and run their own FC programs. FC-Compiler show 60+ source codes that a user can pick from and modify as he or she pleases and save under another name. FC-Compiler runs on most Windows OS. FC-Compiler is where all prospective users should start learning how to solve their math problems.

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Valid CSS! Calculus (level) Problem-Solving for Engineers & Scientists

Textbooks - Parameter Estimation 4 ODE/PDE - Signal Analysis / Spectral Estimation - Body Plasma - Solar Cell
Increasing Productivity Examples: AC Motor Design - Matched Filters - Pulse Slimming / InterSymbol Interference - Pilot (safe) Ejection - PharmacoKinetics Simulation - Business Strategies & War Gaming - BVP - Implicit Equations