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Increased Productivity Example #8

Body Plasma Chemistry [1]

Problem Statement: Determine the concentration of a Therapeutic treatment drug - and for that matter any drug - that is in the body over a period of time by finding:

1. The rate constant (Ka) that determines the diffusion of therapeutic treatment drug from the stomach into the blood-stream (plasma);

2. The rate at which the drug enters and leaves the tissues, K12 and K21;

3. The loss of therapeutic treatment drug into the urine, K1;

4. The break-down of therapeutic treatment drug into conjugated form and DEGT, K2 + K3;

5. The volume of blood, V.

?? 6. The binding or non-binding of the drug with free proteins in the plasma K??

The body tissues utilize the drug and therefore an amount is removed by the body's filtering system, i.e. the Kidneys and urine. As with most compounds, some binding with proteins can occur, as well as conjugation and degradation of the drug. This will also provide information as to how often the treatment drug needs to be administered to keep the concentration high enough to allow for the required treatment to occur.

Given: Observed values (concentrations) for the plasma levels of the therapeutic treatment drug; observed accumulated values (amounts) of the therapeutic treatment drug, conjugated therapeutic treatment drug and DEGT (degraded therapeutic treatment drug); and the dose of therapeutic treatment drug.

Interaction of various drugs

NPt = Total therapeutic treatment drug in plasma
NPf = Free therapeutic treatment drug in plasma
NT = therapeutic treatment drug in tissues
Nu = therapeutic treatment drug excreted
N_Cu = Conjugated therapeutic treatment drug excreted
DEGTu = Total (free and conjugated) DEGT excreted
D = Dose of therapeutic treatment drug
V = Volume of distribution
Pn = Protein binding constants

[NPf] = f( [NPt], P1, P2, P3, P4)
d[NPt]/dt = Ka *D/V * e ^ (-Ka*t) - K12 [NPf] + K21 [NT] - (K1 + K2 + K3) [NPf]
d[NT]/dt = K12 [NPf] - K21 [NT]
d[Nu]/dt = K1 V [NPf]
d[N_Cu]/dt = K2 V [NPf]
d[DEGTu]/dt = K3 V [NPf]

where "[ X ]" implies Concentration of X
and Ky represent Rate constants, y = a, 12, 21, 1, 2 & 3

Bound Therapeutic Treatment Drug is that portion of Therapeutic treatment drug in the plasma that is bound to protein and thus unable to participate in other reactions. In analyzing blood samples, no distinction can be made between free [NPf] and protein-bound therapeutic treatment drug and thus the observed values are total therapeutic treatment drug [NPt]. The function that relates NPf to NPt is shown in the 1st equation. It involves finding a root of a 3rd order polynomial, the coefficients of which are functions of NPt and the four protein binding constants.

The four reactions involving N_C, DEGT and DEGT_C that are shown without a rate constant are non-limiting reactions and assumed to be instantaneous. No distinction is made between free DEGT and conjugated DEGT (DEGT_C), they are simply totaled as DEGT in the model.

Increased Productivity Example #8 Source Code:

Problem .Therapeutic.Drug.Concentration
  local b
  execute .Initialize
  b = .Data( .05, 1, .005, .1, .5, .5, 50)
  Find k, v in .DrugModel   under .Optcont   with bounds b   to minimize error
Model .DrugModel
  local i, j
  plasma = 0 tissue = 0 excret = 0 error = 0
  bsamp = 1 usamp = 1 time = 0 dt = dtstart
  Initiate Gemini   under .StepSize   for .Kinetics
    equations dplasma / plasma, dtissue / tissue, dexcret / excret
    of time    step dt    to tnext
  execute .Tprint
  for i = 1 to nb + nu   do
    if samptype(i) is blood then
      tnext = bloodtime( bsamp)
      integrate .Kinetics
      error.b( bsamp) = plasma / obs.plasma( bsamp) - 1
      es = error.b( bsamp)**2 w = dplasma**2 + 1
      we = es / w error = error + es
      if bloodtime( bsamp) ne urinetime( usamp) execute .Bprint
      bsamp = bsamp + 1
      tnext = urinetime( usamp)
      integrate .Kinetics
      for j = 1 to 3   do
        error.u( usamp, j) = excret(j) / obs.excret( usamp, j) - 1
        es = ( error.u( usamp, j)**2 ) / weight
        w = dexcret(j)**2 + 1 we = es / w error = error + es
      if urinetime( usamp) ne bloodtime( bsamp - 1)
        then execute .Uprint
        else execute .Buprint
      usamp = usamp + 1
  oldk = k oldv = v
  execute .Eprint      olderror = error
end  [.DrugModel]
Model .Kinetics
  execute .ProBind
  dtissue = k(2) * free - k(3) * tissue
  dplasma = k(1) * dose / v * .Exp(-k(1)*time) - (k(4)+k(5)+k(6))* free - dtissue
  dexcret(1) = k(4) * free * v dexcret(2) = k(5) * free * v
  dexcret(3) = k(6) * free * v
Model .ProBind
  a = ap - plasma b = bp + bp2 * plasma c = cp * plasma
  free = plasma / 10
  for ii = 1 to 20   do
    xu = ((free + a) * free + b) * free + c
    xl = (3 * free + 2 * a) * free + b
    xu = xu / xl  free = free - xu
    if .Abs( xu) lt .005 * free   exit
  free = free + xu / 2
Controller .Optcont for Hera
  detail = 1 detout = 0 maxit = 7 adjust = 2 improve = 5.e-4
Controller .StepSize for Gemini
  maxerr = .0001
Procedure .Tprint
  eject 'Calculated values for this simulation.' Page
  vector print k, v
  dk = .Sub( oldk, k) rdk = .Div( dk, k) rdk = .Mul( rdk, 100)
  dv = oldv - v rdv = dv / v * 100
  skip 4 lines
  display (for i = 1 to 6, k(i)), v, (for i = 1 to 6, dk(i)), dv,
  (for i = 1 to 6, rdk(i)), rdv   in
  '  k(1) k(2) k(3) k(4) k(5) k(6) v'
  ' Value: **.*** ***.** **.**** **.*** ***.*** **.*** ****',
  ' Change: **.*** ***.** **.**** **.*** ***.*** **.*** ****',
  ' PrCnt Chg: **.** **.** **.** **.** **.** **.** **.**'
  skip 4 lines
  text print  'Time ---Therapeutic treatment drug, Micrograms/Milliliter[
            ]------- cum. amounts excreted, Milligrams Ttd equiv----'
  text print  ' Hrs ------Plasma------ -Tissue- --Free-- -----Therapeutic [
 ]treatment drug----- ----Conjugated---- -----Total DEGT----'
end [.Tprint]
Procedure .Bprint
  local i
  display time, plasma*1000, error.b( bsamp)*100, tissue*1000, free*1000
 in ' **  ****.*** (****.**) ****.*** **.***** [
 ]     ---       ---      ---       ---      ---       ---'
Procedure .Uprint
  local i, erru Allot erru(3)
  for i = 1 to 3 erru(i) = error.u( usamp, i) *100
  display time,excret(1), erru(1), excret(2), erru(2), excret(3), erru(3)
 in ' ** --- --- --- --- [
     ] ****.***.(**** **) ****.***.(**** **) ****.***.(**** **)'
Procedure .BUprint
  local i, erru Allot erru(3)
  for i = 1 to 3 erru(i) = error.u( usamp, i) *100
  display time, plasma*1000, error.b( bsamp-1)*100, tissue*1000, free*1000
 excret(1), erru(1), excret(2), erru(2), excret(3), erru(3)
 in ' **  ****.*** (****.**) ****.*** **.***** [
     ] ****.***.(**** **) ****.***.(**** **) ****.***.(**** **)'
Procedure .Eprint
  de = error -olderror rde = de * 100 / error
  skip 4 lines
  display error, de, rde,
 in 'Error:  ***.******;  Change:  ***.*****;  % Change:  ***.*****'
Procedure .Initialize
  blood = 1 urine = 2 weight = 1
  read data
  allot bloodtime(nb), obs.plasma(nb), error(nb)
  allot urinetime(nu), obs.excret(nu,3), error.u(nu,3)
  allot excret(3), dexcret(3), samptype(nb+nu)
  allot p(4), k(6), oldk(6), dk(6), rdk(6)
  read data
  oldk = k oldv = v
  ap = p(1) + p(2) + p(3) + p(4)
  bp = p(1) * p(4) + p(2) * p(3) + p(2) * p(4)
  bp2 = -(p(2) + p(4)) cp = - p(2) * p(4)
  display dose, dtstart, nb, nu, blood, urine, ap, bp, bp2, cp   in
   '****  *.***  * * * *  *.***E***  *.***E***  **.***E***  **.***E***'
  vector print p, bloodtime, obs.plasma, urinetime, obs.excret, samptype

This Body Plasma problem is another increased productivity example do to using Calculus (level) programming. Try it, you'll love it!

[1] Wolski, D. and Petersen, D.M.

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