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Each Process Optimization Level

Have a process that needs some tweaking?

As things change so must ones 'recipe' for a given process. When it's time for updating a process the management team can execute their optimization routine and see what process tweaking needs to take place.

Nested Engineering Optimizations

Multi-Level Simulation Problems

Oil Refinery Example Problem

Processor Simulations: Each process unit type must be simulated with as many control setting combinations as possible to see if it agrees with reality. Each control needs testing at least at three points: maximum, normal/average, and minimum. Given that each process has k-control valves thats a lot of testing. When satisfied move on to finding an optimal productivity for each type of processor.

Processor Optimizations: Convert each process simulation into an optimization by adding an objective (function) to each model. For example, process 123 may want to

  • maximize products 321, 432, & 543;
  • minimize input waste;
  • maximize profit from input; or,
  • optimize ???

Once an optimal value is found you need to verify that points around this optimum are higher or lower as they should be. Move away from optimal control settings and see if simulations prove this is truly an optimal point. Find objectives for all processes and test all optimal solutions to ensure they are optimal.

Combine Optimizations: Those processing units that have common interest (e.g. same Project) should be nested into one optimization problem with an objective function whenever possible. Here one is trying to insure that common parameters will work together properly. Once this is done its time to pass these simulations / optimizations onto your Total site optimization group.

Individual Process Examples:

Filter Design

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Problem-Solving Applications include:

CurvFit: a curve fitting program with Lorentzian, Sine, Exponential and Power series are available models to match your data.

Match-n-Freq: a Matched Filter program used to filter signals and slim pulses.

Industry Problem-Solving Descriptions include:

Business Strategies & War Gaming: Buy, Sell, Hold options may be tested for an entire company, individual plant(s), or whole product lines. Imagine an increase in control settings from a 1 or 2 digits (i.e., a guess value) to an 8+ digit accuracy resulting from a Calculus programming calculation!

Pulse Slimming to minimize InterSymbol Interference: via Arbitrary Equalization with Simple LC Structures to reduce errors.

Voice Coil Motor: basically an electromagnetic transducer in which a coil placed in a magnetic pole gap experiences a force proportional to the current passing through the coil.

Electrical Filter Design: find the transfer function's poles & zeros; H(s) = Yout(s) / Yin(s).

Digitized Signal from Magnetic Recording: Magnetic recording of transitions written onto a computer disc drive may produce an isolated pulse as shown.

AC Motor Design: a simulation program for A.C. motor design that was reapplied as a constrained optimization problem with 12 unknown parameters and 7 constraints.

PharmacoKinetics: an open-two- compartment model with first order absorption into elimination from central compartment is presented here.

Valid CSS! Calculus (level) Problem-Solving for Engineers & Scientists

Textbooks - Parameter Estimation 4 ODE/PDE - Signal Analysis / Spectral Estimation - Body Plasma - Solar Cell
Increasing Productivity Examples: AC Motor Design - Matched Filters - Pulse Slimming / InterSymbol Interference - Pilot (safe) Ejection - PharmacoKinetics Simulation - Business Strategies & War Gaming - BVP - Implicit Equations