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Do you have experience in an industry STEM field?
Share your knowledge with others! Help them learn from your background.

STEM: Science, Techonology, Engineering, and Math fields. If you have some STEM field background, please help those trying to learn one of these fields. Be a mentor, teacher, helper, or coach at a local school, college, or onLine. Help develope our future generations by passing on your education and experience to those students in need of help. learn more Kurdish People: have been a longtime ally and strategic partner. The Kurds have proved time and again their capability as a disciplined, effective fighting force and their commitment to the kind of stable, moderate governance that is sorely lacking in there region. It's our turn to help the kurds. learn more

Match Supply & Demand: 133 billion pounds of food are thrown out annually. Donating to nearby nonprofits can save food donors money with tax deductions while feeding those in need in their communities. Have extra food OR need food for a Food bank? MEANS organization has developed a database for matching those that have extra food with those that need some. Might you or your organization help? learn more
STORIES OF KINDNESS: The Steller Kindness Project is a platform to share stories of quiet acts of kindness. We want to celebrate people who are positively impacting others, sometimes without even realizing it. This project is meant to inspire. We believe that if we want to see macro changes in our word, it needs to start on a micro level. It starts with showing up and being kind to the person right in front of you. learn more

Medford, Oregon areas needing help

Mercy's Gate: Mercy’s Gate organization works to holistically support people working hard but struggling to make it in the Rogue Valley. Their primary goal is to decrease the threat of dispossession of employed individuals whose wages do not match the costs of basic living. We believe in each individual’s capacity to succeed, so we require clients to commit to some level of coaching or mentoring in exchange for assistance. It is our goal to strengthen people in all areas of life so they are better equipped to anticipate challenges and head them off before situations become irreversible. learn more EveryChild: aims to bring comfort, and self-worth to children in foster care. We provide support to the invaluable families who care for them, and we come alongside those on the front lines of this crisis in our county, We provide an all-encompassing positive experience for children in care, the families that care for them and our partners at Child Welfare through varies volunteer opportunities. Our mission is to ensure that no child is without a loving and stable home. learn more

Medford Gospel Mission: provides basic relief services like food, clothing, and shelter give individuals the basic necessities that they need to live. With their dedicated team of volunteers, they provide these critical services in such a way… learn more`
Valid CSS! Calculus (level) Problem-Solving for Engineers & Scientists

Textbooks - Parameter Estimation 4 ODE/PDE - Signal Analysis / Spectral Estimation - Body Plasma - Solar Cell
Increasing Productivity Examples: AC Motor Design - Matched Filters - Pulse Slimming / InterSymbol Interference - Pilot (safe) Ejection - PharmacoKinetics Simulation - Business Strategies & War Gaming - BVP - Implicit Equations