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Phil's (free) eBooks ... your choice!

Book for CEOs: Company Goal?  The CEO book is for CEOs!
Engineering Design Optimization ... Casebook Approach  "Engineering Design Optimization using Calculus ..." book is for all others (standard version).

Phil's (free) eBooks ... Warning!!
====== The PDF file versions have problems with some math symbols and no links! The DOC versions are best choice. ======

Phil's (free) eBooks:

Company Goal: Increase Productivity? (1 mb)

Click here to Download ... It's Free!
Has example of an Oil Refinery that increased it's productivity, maybe others could do the same!

Engineering Design Optimization using Calculus ... PDF (5m) or DOC (17m)

Click here to Download PDF version ... It's Free!
Warning! The links don't work in the PDF version.

Click here to Download DOC version ... It's Free!

Calculus-level Programming, Intro

Implicit and Explicit Differential Equations: shows how to solve them in minutes.

Calculus-level Programming, Intro

Boundary and Initial Value Problems: shows how to solve them in minutes.

Calculus-level Programming, Intro

Tweaking Parameters: shows how hundreds of equations may have their parameters tweaked in a single run.

Valid CSS! Calculus (level) Problem-Solving for Engineers & Scientists

Textbooks - Parameter Estimation 4 ODE/PDE - Signal Analysis / Spectral Estimation - Body Plasma - Solar Cell
Increasing Productivity Examples: AC Motor Design - Matched Filters - Pulse Slimming / InterSymbol Interference - Pilot (safe) Ejection - PharmacoKinetics Simulation - Business Strategies & War Gaming - BVP - Implicit Equations